Let's Play MasterMind Nightmare!

Play MasterMind's Nightmare Challenge!

Enter your guess as a 4 digit number, using all digits 0-9, and then click Check Guess.


I give up! Start Over

Is this too difficult?
Try the original MasterMind, using only 4 digits!


MasterMind's Answer:


Guess #1. 1234 P A A

P: ONE of your digits is in the answer AND in the correct position (the last 4)
AA: TWO of your digits are in the answer, but NOT in correct positions (2 and 3).

Guess #2. 1111

If you see no "P" or "A" indicators it means than none of the digits in your guess are in the answer.

Guess #3. 2344 P P A A

PP: TWO of your digits are in the answer AND in the correct positions (3 and the last 4)
AA: TWO of your digits are in the answer, but NOT in correct positions (the first 4 and 2)

Guess #4. 2443 A A A A

FOUR As: ALL FOUR of your digits are in the answer, but NONE are in the correct positions.

Guess #5. 4324 P P P P

PPPP! FOUR exact matches! You WIN!!


MasterMind has selected 4 random digits!

To play, enter a guess as a 4 digit number, using all digits 0-9, and then click Check Guess.

For each guess you make, Mastermind will tell you how many digits you have guessed correctly in the correct position (P), and how many of your digits are in the answer, but NOT in the correct position (A)

If you beat Mastermind within 20 guesses, you win!

Mastermind Nightmare! v.1.0